
Unable to connect to MKS:902

Versucht man die Konsole einer VM zu öffnen und erhält obengenannte Fehlermeldung, muss es sich nicht unbedingt um eine Fehlkonfiguration in der Firewall handeln.

Es kann auch an einem fehlenden DNS Eintrag liegen. Das liegt daran das die VM Konsole eine direkte Verbindung zum ESXi host aufbauen möchte und dies versucht er anhand des DNS Namens im vCenter.


SMB service start automatically

If you have installed the smb service on a linux system, the smb Daemon start automatically if the system starts. To avoid this automatically start you can edit the smbd.conf in /etc/init/ and comment out this line:

start on local-filesystems

Now you can start the Services manual, if you need it.




Powershell Script to PING without Exception Errors

I have tried a lots of scripts to use a simple ping script in Powershell, but the exeption error if a server isn´t available wasn´t the right solution for me. So I tried to  write a script that work with the status of a ping. But the problem here was that the status was “success” although the ping writes “The Host is unreachable”. So the Script don´t work correct.

Now I have written a scripte that can ping a list of server in a txt file without exeption errors in a invinite loop. Simple but Useful! 😉


$serverliste = get-content "C:\client.txt"

$i =1
While ($i -le 10) 
    foreach ($server in $serverliste) {
        if ( Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {

            Write-Host "$server Ping is OK" -ForegroundColor Green
            sleep 1

        else {

            Write-Host "$server Ping FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red


    Write-Host ""

Ausrollen von linked-Clones mit guest customization schlägt fehl

Möchte man linked-clones erstellen und man hat nicht die Möglichkeit ein KMS zu implementieren, kann dies zu einem Fehler beim ausrollen führen. Um dies zu vermeiden, kann man in der Parent-Machine folgenden Registry-Key anpassen:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\vmware-viewcomposer-ga] “SkipLicenseActivation”=1

SSH access on vMA

The access with SSH to the vMA is very comfortable.

The SSH daemon runs by default, but the access is blocked from the TCP Wrapper to the sshd. If you want to access the vMA with SSH you can edit the /etc/hosts.allow file with this option:

sshd: ALL: ALLOW



Reporting Tab with ERROR

I would like to see the Reporting tab for the vRAM usage, but If I click on the Reporting Tab under Home > Administration > Licensing I get this error message:

An internal System Error was occured



Connect to the vCenter Appliance over SSH

and type

#/usr/lib/vmware-vsphere-client/scripts/admin-cmd.sh unregister https://<hostname>:9443/vsphere-client localhost root "Password"
#/usr/lib/vmware-vsphere-client/scripts/admin-cmd.sh register https://<hostname>:9443/vsphere-client localhost root "Password"

and make sure that the Flash Player is installed.


Now the Reporting Tab should work.


Change the Keyboard Layout on the vMA

The default Layout is US, but if you use a german Keyboard and have very complex passwords you run into a problem.

If you want change your Layout here are the steps:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
change the line with KEYTABLE="us.map.gz"  to KEYTABLE="de-latin1"


Thats it!


Enable SNMP on ESXi with vMA

To enable SNMP on your host over the vMA you work with the command vicfg-snmp.

#vicfg-snmp --server "IP" -e -c "Community Name"

the e option enabled snmp and the c option set a community name.


To test your config you can work with snmpwalk, like:

snmpwalk -c "Community Name" -v "IP"