vROps 8.2 – Ping Adapter available

With vROps 8.2 VMware provides a new Adapter for Pinging systems. In the past customers have to use Agents like EPOPS/Telegraf to have the capability of ping systems.

Now it comes natively with vROps and it just needs to be activated within your Repository:

After you have enabled the Adapter you can configure it through “Other Accounts”

The configuration parameter are as follows. You define the Adapter Instance Name, Address List, the ping intervals, packet size etc.

If you have different Remote Collectors (different location) you can create own Ping Adapter Instanz for address which needs to be pinged by a special collector/collector group.

You can also use a config file to define the list of addresses which needs to be checked within a single Adapter Instance:

These are the Objecttypes/Structure which are provided by the Ping Adapter after you enabled it:

And these are the metrics/Properties for the FQDN Objecttype

I didn’t tested so much with the new Ping Adapter but feel free to contact me for any feedback.

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